The Problem:
Sometimes I want to make a book from a series of web pages. I’d like to browse my way through the web to a book.
The Business
A piece of software that allows you to make a book of the web. Either a digital book, a physical book, or both.
Can’t be easy software.
My Thoughts
It’s been such a long day. In fact, I actually missed having the post up by midnight. I was in meetings all day and was simply unable to get the post up. Here it is 2:30am and my workday has just concluded. Therefore, this post is a little weak. That said, it’s a great idea. Think it through – don’t auto-dismiss it.
Imagine for one second you were trying to teach your kid something. You have a little browser extension that allows you to insert a page into a book with one click. You put in all relevant pages you think are good about dinosaurs. You rearrange and delete at the end. Bam, there’s a book. Your kid reads “your book.” Your kid now knows about dinosaurs.