array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } Biz Idea #38 – An Online Directory of Authentic Stores

Biz Idea #38 – An Online Directory of Authentic Stores

by Byron on February 24, 2012

The Problem:

I like to buy unique, authentic gifts.  I needed Etsy.  But I needed the gift now.  I couldn’t find a directory of authentic stores nearby.

The Business

An online directory of authentic stores.  They must fit certain criteria.  I’m not sure what that criteria is.  No more than three locations in one metro area?  At least a few handmade items in the store? The parameters have a little bit of flexibility.

The directory should be crowdsourced in some fashion, perhaps including reviews.  It must stay away from chains.  I need to feel confident that when I go to a store on the list, I will find authentic.


Easy.  As starting a business goes, anyway.  Get the store owners to write content for you.

This is digital media production as I heard from Brian Clark in the past few days.  Entreproducer is a pretty cool name, too.

My Thoughts

We are in the early stages of a backlash against big.  Over time, I have a better understanding of a book I read a number of years ago, Small is the New Big.  The book is by Seth Godin.  (He is usually a few years ahead of the rest.)  With all the good that comes from mass production, there is much bad as well.  We now recognize this.

I don’t want to give shitty gifts.  I don’t want to go to Nordstrom and pick out a scarf that’s probably not right.  But I don’t want to get a gift card either.  I want unique.  Authentic.  Hand-made.  Something that someone put a little love into.

This trend is helping fuel Etsy.  Their Facebook friends gift recommendation tool is awesome.  Gifts that show you care.  But what about when I need it now or when I want to simply browse or buy things for my home?  I need to know where I can find authentic.


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